NEPA Checklist |
A: 165. Complete NEPA analysis and documentation |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Summary of Activities |
B: 189. Coordinate restoration efforts with stakeholders |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Project Descriptions/Agreements |
C: 114. Identify and select new restoration projects |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Completed designs |
D: 175. Produce fish passage designs for Upper Lake Creek |
07/31/2018 |
06/15/2018 |
Completed designs |
E: 175. Produce fish passage designs for Upper Lake Creek |
05/31/2019 |
Completed design |
F: 175. Produce fish passage designs for Bull Creek |
07/31/2018 |
07/20/2018 |
Upper Lake Creek fish passage improvement |
G: 184. Upper Lake Creek fish passage improvement |
10/31/2018 |
10/26/2018 |
Upper Lake Creek fish passage improvement |
H: 184. Upper Lake Creek fish passage improvement |
05/31/2019 |
Alder Creek Fish Passage Improvement |
I: 184. Alder Creek fish passage improvement |
10/15/2018 |
09/28/2018 |
Benewah road improvement |
J: 38. Reduce sediment delivery to Benewah Creek |
10/26/2018 |
08/17/2018 |
Beaver Dam Analog Construction |
L: 29. Construct beaver dam analogs_Lake Creek |
08/15/2018 |
07/06/2018 |
Beaver Dam Analog Construction |
M: 29. Construct beaver dam analogs_Benewah Creek |
08/15/2018 |
08/31/2018 |
Lake Creek riparian planting |
N: 47. Lake Creek Riparian Planting |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Place instream LWD |
O: 29. Place instream LWD in upper Lake Creek |
05/31/2019 |
Benewah Creek riparian planting |
P: 47. Benewah Creek ripariran planting |
05/31/2019 |
05/03/2019 |
Inspected and repaired PLWW structures |
Q: 186. Maintain beaver dam analogs_Benewah creek |
06/30/2018 |
06/29/2018 |
Removal of non-native brook trout from Benewah Creek and Evans Creek watersheds. |
R: 190. Remove brook trout from Benewah Creek and Evans Creek |
10/31/2018 |
09/28/2018 |
Removal of non-native northern pike from Lake Coeur d'Alene |
S: 190. Remove northern pike from Lake Coeur d'Alene |
05/31/2019 |
09/30/2018 |
Distribution of marked northern pike in the southern end of Lake Coeur d'Alene |
T: 158. Mark northern pike in southern end of Lake Coeur d'Alene |
04/30/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Demographic data collected for adult adfluvial WCT at migrant traps |
U: 157. Trap adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Demographic data collected for outmigrating juvenile WCT at migrant traps |
V: 157. Trap adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Marked adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout |
W: 158. Mark adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Marked juvenile adfluvial cutthroat trout |
X: 158. Mark adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Salmonids captured during stream surveys in subbasins of target watersheds |
Y: 157. Sample salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Interrogation data collected from stationary PIT-tag antenna arrays |
Z: 157. Collect data at stationary PIT antenna arrays |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Demographic metrics generated for adult adfluvial WCT sampled in migrant traps |
AA: 162. Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial adult westslope cutthroat trout |
02/28/2019 |
02/22/2019 |
Demographic metrics generated for adfluvial juvenile WCT sampled in migrant traps |
AB: 162. Analyze data generated from trapping of adfluvial juvenile westslope cutthroat trout |
02/28/2019 |
02/22/2019 |
Examination of spatial distribution patterns of salmonid abundance at the subbasin and watershed scale |
AC: 162. Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in rearing habitats of target watersheds |
02/28/2019 |
02/22/2019 |
Metrics generated from interrogation data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays |
AD: 162. Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays |
02/28/2019 |
02/22/2019 |
Updated database for fish manipulation and RME fish sampling activities |
AE: 160. Data management for RME and management actions that sample or manipulate fish populations |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Physical habitat data in stream reaches of the upper fork of Lake Creek |
AF: 157. Measure physical habitat in reaches proposed for treatments |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Continuous records of water and air temperatures |
AG: 157. Measure water and air temperatures |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Collected data from groundwater wells in a restored reach of upper Benewah watershed |
AH: 157. Measure groundwater at wells |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Generation of physical habitat metrics in stream reaches of the upper fork of Lake Creek |
AI: 162. Analyze data from physical habitat sampling |
02/28/2019 |
02/22/2019 |
Metrics and indicators of water temperature in Benewah and Lake creeks |
AJ: 162. Analyze data from temperature monitoring |
02/28/2019 |
02/22/2019 |
Analyzed groundwater data from the upper Benewah watershed |
AK: 162. Analyze data from groundwater wells |
02/28/2019 |
02/22/2019 |
Updated database of physical habitat attributes, temperatures, and groundwater data |
AL: 160. Data management for physical and chemical habitat attributes |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Summary of Education/Outreach Activities |
AM: 99. Provide education and outreach opportunities |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Compiled information for bi-annual report |
AO: 132. Compile information for bi-annual report for the periods Jan 2018 to Dec 2019 |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |
Accrual Estimates/FY2018 SOW/Metrics Reports |
AP: 119. Manage and administer project |
05/31/2019 |
05/31/2019 |